Our Services

If you need help with something not listed below, please get in touch. We may be able to assist. We're always striving to fill gaps and ensure everyone has access to health law advice.

Family Health Law

Legal advice for family caregivers and people building families

Caregiver Law

Consent & Capacity / Mental Health Law

  • We provide advice about how to get your loved one treated, who makes decisions for an incapable person, powers of attorney, and much more. We represent  families at the Consent and Capacity Board.

    End of Life Law

    • We provide advice and advocacy in end of life matters, including cases about withdrawal of life support, assisted death and Consent and Capacity Board hearings.

    Elder Law

    • We assist with legal issues involving older adults. This includes advising on advance care planning, powers of attorney, hospital discharge, substitute decision-making, home care, long-term care, and retirement homes. We are also available to mediate elder law disputes.


    • We help family members become the decision-makers for their loved ones.

    Reproductive Law

    • We provide advice about fertility law and draft agreements for people pursuing third party reproduction (such as surrogacy and donor agreements). We ensure the correct persons are named on the birth certificate.
    We understand that each case is unique, so if you need help in areas
    not listed above, we would love to hear more about it.
    So What Exactly is Family Health Law™?

    From before birth until after death, we interact with the health care system. Not just as patients, but as family members. We use a donor if our partner is infertile or our spouse happens to be the same sex. We make medical decisions on behalf of our children, siblings or parents. We seek help when a loved one is suffering from a mental illness and refuses to get help. And we make decisions at the end of life, such as whether to withdraw life-sustaining treatment or donate a relative’s organs. All of these decisions have legal implications that dictate our rights, responsibilities and options. Sometimes the laws are

    voluminous, other times they are non-existent. In most cases, they are difficult to find and understand.

    Family Health Law™ is a niche area of health law that focuses on the role of the family member as caregiver, decision-maker and advocate. We help our clients understand and navigate legal issues in the health care system. We draft agreements, provide legal advice, and advocate for clients.

    We use technology, including document automation software and artificial intelligence, to help us deliver results as quickly as possible.

    Surrogates, Donors
    and  Intended Parents

    Reproductive law (sometimes called fertility law) is a complex area of law that governs assisted human reproduction. There are numerous gaps in the legislation and few Canadian cases have been decided by the courts. Further, there are significant penalties for violating the laws that do exist. Legal advice is absolutely essential in all cases involving surrogates or known donors.

    If you are planning on pursuing surrogacy, we suggest reading through our FAQ's section that answers common questions you may have about the process.

    FREE PDF:   Beginner's Guide to Surrogacy Law

    Our surrogacy library

    Looking for more information about surrogacy? We made a separate website filled with videos and blogs all about surrogacy in Ontario, Canada.


    Our online courses

    If you're a caregiver caring for a loved one with a mental illness, our online courses and webinars might be for you.

    We're Accessible

    Outside the Greater Toronto Area?
    Or just hate the commute?

    Our online shop

    We have created a little storefront where we sell digital downloads. For anyone who wants to revoke a power of attorney, or resign from acting as an attorney, these downloads may be for you. Buying these products does not create a solicitor-client relationship.

    We're Accessible

    Outside the Greater Toronto Area?
    Or just hate the commute?